We store your contact information, i.e., email address, to be able to provide support and to communicate with you. We also store the status of your specific accounts and collect Diagnostic Reports and other troubleshooting, bug, and crash reporting information from customers to help determine problems with the app.
Have I Been Pwned (HIBP) gets your email address to check for breaches
When you select the option "Has my data been breached?", PrivacyWallet uses the service "Have I Been Pwned" (HIBP) to check if your data has been breached. Your email address is the only data shared with HIBP. HIBP searches data breaches associated with your email address, and it only ever retrieves the data from storage and then returns it in the response, the searched data is never explicitly stored anywhere.
Read HIBP's privacy policy here: https://haveibeenpwned.com/privacy
PrivacyWallet does not share your data with any other third party.
None of your data is used for research purposes.
None of your data is used for marketing purposes.
None of your data is used for resale.
Storage outside EU
None of your data is stored outside the EU, with the exception of your one-time password for SMS authentication, which is sent through the USA.